5.1 Hot reserve

PVSS project for Hot Reserve purpose in pccompass07 should be ideal copy of the main project, without archived data, running in pccompass04. This means that not only the content of PVSS database should be the same as in pccompass04, but also the project directory hierarchy and all the files belonging to the backup project. This means that the project for Hot Reserve system should be kept up-to-date with the main project. This can be done manually as described next, but it should be automized somehow in the future. PVSS system does have Online Backup -service which should be used when the backup of the running project is needed. Anyhow, this service takes a backup of all the database including all the archived data, which is not necessary needed in our case for the historic data is stored in conditional database located in pccompass07.

5.1.1 Manual backup of the project: export from pccompass04

The manual backup of the main project running in pccompass04 will take the latest copy of PVSS database and all the panels and scripts located in project directory.

  1. Login to pccompass04 as compassdcs
  2. Start the backup by triggering the script called startManualBackup:
  3. This will create 5 ascii dumps into /home/compassdcs/ which contains all the values of necessary datapoints. In addition it will also make two archives containing all the panels and scripts belonging to project.

    Note 1: The system has to be completely up when doing a backup i.e. also OPC clients has to run.

    Note 2: In total this action takes about 10 minutes and uses rather significant amount of CPU resources. Therefore it is better to start the script when there is not much other activities with the system.

  4. Transfer all the files into pccompass07 via FTP
  5. account to be used: compassdcs with mentioned password
  6. Where ddmmyy is the date of backup.
  7. Where ddmmyy is the date of backup.
  8. confirm with `y' all the transfers

5.1.2 Manual backup of the project: Updating of the project running in pccompass07

In case needed import the latest entire DCS datapoints, panels and scripts one have to start the import script with the parameter which tells the location of all the files:

Where ddmmyy is the date of backup needed to be restored. Note that PVSS must run Hot Reserve -project while updating the system.

5.1.3 Changing the flow of data into pccompass07

In normal situation the dataflow is going to PVSS database running in pccompass04 via OPC or DIM Client-Server procedure. If the PVSS database or disk in pccompass04 got corrupted for some reason (e.g. power failure) the main system should be brought down and the Hot Reserve system should be started.

  1. Stop all the FE processes which sends data into pccompass04 (SLiCs, OPC clients, etc.)
  2. Stop the PVSS system running in pccompass04
  3. Modify the startup procedure in pccompass04 in order to disable the automatic startup of PVSS after restart of the PC
    1. login into pccompass04 as root, with mentioned password
    2. mv /etc/rc.d/init.d/pvss_compassdcs /etc/rc.d/init.d/pvss_compassdcs.orig
    3. mv /etc/rc.d/init.d/pvss_compassdcs~ /etc/rc.d/init.d/pvss_compassdcs
  4. Modify the startup procedure in pccompass07 in order to enable the automatic startup of PVSS after restart of the PC
    1. login into pccompass07 as root, with mentioned password
    2. mv /etc/rc.d/init.d/pvss_compassdcs /etc/rc.d/init.d/pvss_compassdcs.orig
    3. mv /etc/rc.d/init.d/pvss_compassdcs~ /etc/rc.d/init.d/pvss_compassdcs
  5. Start PVSS system in pccompass07
    1. login into pccompass07 as compassdcs, with mentioned password
    2. start_pvss2
  6. Change the dataflow from OPC FE machine into Hot Reserve system
    1. Modify the config file of the OPC project running in pccompass03 in order to make the connection into Event Manager and Data Manager running in pccompass07 instead of pccompass04.
    2. Start the modified OPC project
  7. Start all the SLiC processes by using Hot Reserve suffix e.g.


Last modified: 2001 - Niko Karlsson