2 Panels

This section covers the most of the panels located in a main project folder /dcs_data/pvss_project/compass_dcs/compass_dcs/panels. Documentation for development made specially for GEM group is in html -format and located in /dcs_data/pvss_project/compass_dcs/compass_dcs/gem200109271312/htmlDocumentation.

Main project folder for panels (.../compassdcs/panels) contains also several Framework panels, which has been slightly customized for achieving the suitable fit into application. The examples of these panels are the summary -panels and all the Framework panels which can be found from the directory. The original versions of these panels can be found from /dcs_data/pvss_project/compass_dcs/comp_fw/panels -directory (for panels part of the Additional JCOP-Fw Components) and from /dcs_data/pvss_project/compass_dcs/jcop_fw/panels -directory (the panels part of the basic JCOP-Fw).

2.1 actionButton.pnl

2.2 alertRow.pnl

2.3 caenBoard.pnl

2.4 caenChannelGroup.pnl

2.5 caenChannelGroupButton.pnl

2.6 caenCrateOperation.pnl

2.7 channel.pnl

2.8 controlPanel.pnl

2.9 detectorButton.pnl

2.10 dimPanel.pnl

2.11 pvssStatusIndicator.pnl

2.12 importExportCaenConfig.pnl

2.13 importExportCaenConfigButton.pnl

2.14 note.pnl, note1.pnl, note2.pnl

2.15 plcStatusIndicator.pnl

2.16 plc1.pnl

2.17 plc2.pnl

2.18 pcStatusIndicator.pnl

2.19 slicOperationPanel.pnl

2.20 vmeStatusIndicator.pnl

2.21 sy127.pnl

2.22 sy403.pnl

2.23 sy527.pnl

2.24 sy127dummy2.pnl, sy403dummy2.pnl, sy527dummy2.pnl

2.25 hvSystem.pnl

2.26 temperatureSystem.pnl

2.27 Panels used for modifying PVSS settings of channels

2.28 Detector specific panels


Last modified: 2001 - Niko Karlsson