2.4 pccompass07

This Linux computer is used as Hot Reserve -system in order to continue controlling DCS in case of e.g. corruption of database or disk failure in main PVSS system running in pccompass04. Anyhow when dataflow from front-end computers is going to pccompass04 this computer can be used for storing historic data, saved in pccompass04 database, into conditional database. Note that when this host is used as Hot Reserve -system it is not possible to store the data at the same time into conditional database. The both purposes where pccompass07 is used for needs a different PVSS project to be running and obviously it is not possible to run two project at the same time in one machine. Description of usage of pccompass07 as Hot Reserve -system and as stock of archived data can be found later on in this document.


Last modified: 2001 - Niko Karlsson